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School Closings 2

In the event of emergency delays and/or school closings, students and parents will be notified through the ParentSquare alert system.  Please make sure your contact information is accurate and up to date by logging into your Skyward Family Access account and verifying all information is correct.  Please see the technology department page for questions regarding your Skyward Family Access contact information. 

Administrators contemplate many variables when considering a school delay or closing.  Please review the school delay/closing protocol information HERE.

Community members seeking weather-related school closing information SHOULD NOT call the schools, radio stations, TV stations, or the Sheriff's Department. The volume of calls these locations receive is immense during inclement weather, and emergency matters need to take priority.  Please listen to these officially designated TV stations for Mt. Vernon School closings: 

WISH Channel 8
WTHR Channel 13
WRTV Channel 6
WXIN - Fox 59

Every news broadcast after approximately 6:00 a.m. on the above channels should carry the news when MVCSC schools are closed or delayed.  Be sure to check multiple channels; MVCSC has had a few circumstances where some stations' data entry will not work properly for MVCSC to submit our delays/cancellations.


School closings are also posted in an alert at the top of the district's website and on the district's social media: and