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Library Media Center

Mt. Vernon Middle School Library Media Center

Monday - Friday 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.

The library at MVMS is staffed by one Librarian and one Library Media Assistant. It is a bustling center of activity from the moment the doors open until the end of the school day. Students visit with their English Language Arts classes on a fixed library schedule.


Circulation Policies

When visiting the library, students are encouraged to check out multiple books at a time. Books are due three weeks after initial checkout. Students are notified via school email when material is overdue. Note: Parent contact will be made for extended overdue material. Renewal could be denied if there is a hold pending on a material. Students who have extended overdue/lost materials will be limited to one book per checkout until the account is clear. 

All attempts will be made to repair damaged materials returned to the library. If material is not salvageable, the student will be charged a replacement fee. Unfortunately, refunds for found books once a lost fee is paid are no longer allowed by the Indiana State Board of Accounts. 

Parents can pay for lost library books via MVCSC’s eFunds link.  Click on PAY for Optional Fees, then choose Lost/Damaged Library Books. Exact change and/or a check made out to the school are also still accepted.



The mission of the MVCSC Library Media Program is to foster a love of reading, provide opportunities for students to develop information literacy skills, and encourage lifelong learning habits.

For further information, see MVCSC Collection Development Plan