Sometimes big behaviors are a child’s way of saying, 'I need help.' Instead of reacting to their actions, take a moment to pause, ask questions, and meet their needs with kindness. Your connection can make all the difference.
This week we will focus on Kindness by sponsoring kindness activities, having dress up days, and ending the week with a Heart Dance. We hope students can help us shine a spotlight on kindness this week.
Have a great week!
Dr. Lori Katz, MVMS Principal
This Week:
Monday, February 17: President's Day, No School
Tuesday, February 18: No School
Wednesday, February 19: Early Release Day
Friday, February 21: Heart Dance - After School - 5pm; $5
Coming Up:
Monday, March 17 - Friday, March 28: Spring Break, No School
Daily News
Daily announcements can be found HERE.
👕Dress-Up Days & Daily Kindness Challenges
Monday, 2/17 – President’s Day (No School)
Tuesday, 2/18 – Professional Development Day (No School)
Wednesday, 2/19 – "Dreaming of Kindness" - Wear PJs and show kindness by holding the door open for someone.
Thursday, 2/20 – "Let Kindness Shine!" - Wear neon and brighten someone’s day by offering to help someone who is struggling.
Friday, 2/21 – "Share the Kindness in Your Heart" - Wear red for a “Red Out” in honor of the Heart Dance! Show kindness by writing a thank-you note to someone.
Let’s make this a week full of positivity, kindness, and school spirit! We can’t wait to see our students participate and spread kindness every day. Thank you for your support in making this a meaningful week!
January Student of the Month
Celebrating Our Students of the Month: Embracing the Power of "Redo"
We're thrilled to announce our Student of the Month winners for this month!T These exceptional students have demonstrated remarkable growth and resilience by embracing our Life Value term: Redo. These students made significant progress in their team's classrooms by utilizing the power of a Redo. They've proven that with determination and the right attitude, we can turn setbacks into comebacks!
Team Pride: Adrianna Boards
Team All-Stars: Kendall Lockwood
Team Eagles: Shaun Sanders
Team Champions: Jackson Moses
Team Spirit: Gavin Collins
Team Victory: Laney Albright
Team Firebirds: Ryleigh Jones
Team Central Stars: Mia Jesch
Team Odyssey: Mallory Kirby
Team Integrity: Trevor Cobb
Team Courage: Sofia Henriquez-Dubon
register for the NJHS Homework Help!
Are you ready to capture the magic of this school year? Yearbooks are up for grabs, and you won’t want to miss out!
Only $20 for a collection of our best moments!
Deadline: Mark your calendars! Orders are due by March 28th!
Make sure to get your yearbook and keep those memories alive! Order here. Code: 14778625
Talent Show Permission Slips
Students can now get a permission slip for the 50th MVMS Talent Show. Singers, dancers, musicians, and anyone with unique talents are all encouraged to audition. See Mr. Falkenberg in room C311 for a permission slip.
Audition dates:
Tuesday, February 25 - 7th and 8th graders after school
Wednesday, February 26 - before school auditions open to any grade
Thursday, February 27 - 6th graders after school
We are trying to locate the grand champions from the very first Talent Show. If you know Vicki Bangel or Kelly Nieman, please have them email Mr. Falkenberg at dean.falkenberg@mvcsc.k12.in.us.
If your student will be absent from school please notify us by one of the following methods:
If a student is going to be absent from the school for the day, parents/guardians have the responsibility to notify the attendance secretary by 10:00 am with verification of the absence. Documentation of absences must be received within three days of the absence. An illness of three days or longer will require doctor verification for the entire absence to be excused. When a student is absent for a full or partial day due to a doctor, dental, or another appointment(s) a school excuse note from the provider will be required for the absence to be excused.
Please Click HERE for the MVCSC Attendance Policy.
Athletic Website click Here
Physical Forms
Anyone interested in trying out for an athletic team is required to complete and submit to the Athletic office the IHSAA Sports Physical and Final Forms prior to tryouts.
Attendance at MVHS Athletic Events
Please read the information HERE regarding attendance at Mt. Vernon High School athletic events.
Medication Drop-Off:
The nurse is usually in her office from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Dropping off medication for a student can be tricky after 3:00 PM due to the car rider line forming and SR-234 being closed in front of the school. Lunchtime (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM) is a busy period in the clinic, so if you drop off medication during this time, please be aware that your visit may take longer.
Asthma/Allergy Action Plans:
I am still missing several students' asthma and allergy action plans. If these forms are not submitted, your child(ren) may be excluded from field trips. These forms must be signed by both you and your physician. They are available on our website here.
Water Bottles/Food:
It is helpful if students bring a water bottle to school each day to stay hydrated throughout the day. It is also important that they have a good breakfast in the morning before school.
Our next PTO meeting is April 9th at 6pm in the Media Center (we don't meet in March due to spring break)
Hope to see you there!
Dine to Donate: Mozzi's in Fortville 2/25!
Save the date for the following student events: More details to follow!
6th/7th Grade Glow Party - April 25
8th Grade Semi-Formal - May 16th
To host events like school dances, skating parties, staff surprises, students gifts, supplies and spirit sales, and more, MVMS needs a PTO in place. The PTO runs these initiatives with a group of stellar volunteers. The lift is light but impactful! Our current PTO has several members with kids aging out or heading to the new intermediate in the Fall of 25’. We're looking for a new crew of amazing volunteers to come in and continue showering our staff and students at Mt. Vernon Middle School with all of the support, joy, and love they deserve! Please reach out to us at mtvernonmiddleschoolpto@gmail.com or via Facebook if you're interested in joining or leading!
Social Media
Twitter: @MtVernon_MS
Instagram: @Mt.Vernon_MS
Facebook: MtVernonMiddleSchool
1862 W. State Road 234
Fortville, IN 46040